Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Book review: Secret Keeper Girl by Dannah Gresh

Meet a good read for teaching  girls ages 8-10 about modesty and their body image knowledge. Secret Keeper Girl is designed to help tween girls understand their dignity and value in Christ. This book includes a creative self-help space, quizzes, games, exploded quotes and graphics to help the girls absorb the message. Dannah Gresh has been studying at-risk teen and tween behavior numerous times and discovered that girls who are exposed to an age-appro­priate, Bible-based understanding of beauty and fashion between the ages of 8-12 have bigger chances to be less likely to engage in early sexual activity or encounter body image issues. Another advantage is that they tend to have healthy friendships, excel academically, and become positive social contributors in their com­munities. The benefit is that they can express their beauty and value in an appropriate way. Secret Keeper Girl is meant to teach tween girls how valuable they are and how to honor their God-given dignity. It’s a tool to help girls in their identity in Christ. I received a copy of the book from the publisher for this review.

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