Monday, February 12, 2018

Book review: Lies young women believe by Nancy Demoss

The authors of this book, Nancy and Dannah did a survey on what are some of the lies that young women believe. Some of the responses they got include: 
“I know God should be the only thing that satisfies, but if it could be Him and my friends, then I could be happy.” "It seems like I have been struggling with depression forever. I always feel like I am not good enough.” “I tell myself that I don’t really listen to the song lyrics, but once I hear a song a few times and start thinking about what they’re saying I realize that it's too late.  It's already stuck in my head." "For me, the whole wife and mom thing is overrated. It isn’t cool to want a husband and a family.” These are some of the common scenarios that play into lots of women's thoughts. Its hard sometimes to listen to the right voices. This book has been written by friends who will help you find the Truth. The heart can tell you that some things in your life are way off course. Some habits and relationships can leave people confused and lonely, when in reality you shouldn't encounter these emotions. In this womderful book, Nancy and Dannah expose 25 of the lies most commonly believed by your generation. There are stories about how the women overcome lies they themselves believed. The purpose of this book is to set you free by the Truth. I received a copy of the book from the publisher for this review.

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